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Three restorative poses to brighten Blue Monday


Hello everyone! 

How is your January going? Are you managing to keep your new year’s resolutions? Are you bursting with energy from the fitness regime you promised you’d stick to on NYE? If the answer is a resounding ‘no’ then you’re not the only one! The chances are you’re probably also feeling a bit fed up with the cold weather and already looking forward to payday. 

The combination of these factors led to the third Monday in January to be dubbed ‘Blue Monday’, in theory the most miserable day of the year. Although there’s no hard scientific evidence to back up the concept, there’s no escaping the fact that many of us start feeling a bit fed up with January around now. 

So here are some nice, restorative postures for you to try, to help recharge your batteries and reset your mood. Set aside 15-20 minutes, pop on some socks and find a nice quiet space - as free from distractions as possible. Grab a mat and some props; I’d recommend a blanket (or two), bolster, a couple of blocks and an eye pillow (if you have one).

Try to spend at least 5 minutes in each of these – and feel free to wrap yourself in a blanket for each one. 

1 - Viparita Karani (‘legs up the wall’ pose) 

A great posture to refresh tired legs, especially if you’ve been on your feet all day, or to release the lower back if you’ve been hunched over a desk. The inversion of the legs facilitates ‘venous return’, allowing blood to flow easily from the legs back to the heart. 

Here’s how to do it.

  • Set up your mat perpendicular to the wall. 

  • Place a folded blanket or bolster a few inches away from the wall (this will provide support for your lower back) and maybe have a folded towel ready to support your head.

  • Sit sideways with your right side against the wall (on the folded blanket or bolster) – knees bent, feet on the ground.

  • As you start to recline, simultaneously swing your legs up onto the wall, keeping your shoulders and head on the ground.

  • Scoot your buttocks as close to the wall as possible, keeping your lower back supported on the blanket or bolster.

  • Relax your arms by your sides and keep your neck in a neutral position. 

  • Close your eyes or cover them with an eye pillow (if you have one) and focus on breathing slowly in and out through the nose. 

Modifications: if your hamstrings are tight you can bend your knees slightly, or use a chair instead of the wall to support your legs. 

2 - Supta Baddha Konasana (reclined bound-angle pose) 

Perfect for both resting and refuelling, this posture allows you to relax but also gently opens up your hips and groin area, providing a gentle release for the inner thighs. 

Here’s how to do it. 

  • Sit in the centre of your mat, with your legs stretched out in front of you, allowing space behind you to recline.

  • Place your bolster or pillow behind you, at the small of your back.

  • Bring the soles of your feet together and gently lie back along your bolster/pillow, allowing your knees to drop to the side – you can use blocks or cushions to support your knees if your hips feel tight.

  • Let your arms relax at your sides, slightly away from your body, palms facing up

  • Close your eyes, or maybe cover them with an eye pillow, and focus on breathing slowly in and out through the nose

  • Check in with your inner thighs – notice if you’re holding on to any tension here and allow it to release as you breathe.

3 - Supported Savasana (corpse pose) 

Usually practised at the end of a class, Savasana is considered the ultimate relaxation pose! Here’s a version using some props to support you and help you to feel even more relaxed. 

The traditional version of Savasana is to lie flat on your back with your legs parted slightly, feet relaxed and your arms away from your body, palms facing up (see below).

Here are some options for a supported Savasana (you can combine the supine ones for the ultimate in comfort!).

  • Place a bolster or two blocks under your knees (this will help to support your lower back). 

  • Use a pillow or rolled up towel/blanket under your head (helpful if you feel any tension in your neck or shoulders).  

  • Support your arms with folded towels or blankets (helps the shoulders to soften back). 

  • Practise Savasana lying on your side: if you don’t feel comfortable lying on your back you don’t have to! Come to lie on your side – option to place a rolled-up blanket or bolster between your knees and a cushion (or two) under your head (this is a great alternative to classic Savasana if you are pregnant). Don’t forget to switch sides half-way through. 

I hope you enjoy these restorative postures. If you already come to my classes, you will know that we always allow time at the end of the class for meditation and relaxation.

If you haven’t booked your space for a class this week yet, you can do so directly via Book a class tab. I hope to see you soon! 


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